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The acclaimed session stylist Gary Gill may occasionally reference his troubled past in his work, but the results are always spectacularly forward-thinking. Gary Gill attributes his irreverent approach to hairstyling to the years he spent as a teenager in Brighton’s punk community. His work is artistic, sculptural and anti-establishment, stamped with the codes of counter-culture he was obsessed with while growing up. His aesthetic has been called anti-glamour (he particularly loves that description).
The objective was to share the mindset, experience, attitude and knowledge that is needed to succeed in fashion. Gary's session was a coaching session and it covered all things from personal goals, dedication, commitment and how to build working relationships in the fashion world.
Annie Franklin comments: "The day with Gary was amazing so inspiring. Being a top session stylist who’s worked with some of the biggest names in fashion, I was so excited to get this opportunity. He kept it real, sharing loads about getting in the right mindset to smash it in this industry but also not getting an ego. He let us ask anything we wanted and showed us how to start finding our own vibe and working from the heart. It was so inspiring and the perfect way to kick off the year."
Bekki Delehedy comments: Our first day was with the amazing Gary Gill who spoke all about mindset and having the right attitude. Gary has such a lovely humble mind and I took away to never be scared to fail as that’s where growth will come from. Always be super prepared."
Sam Bickle comments: "Our first session of an amazing year ahead was with the incredible ( and very humble) session stylist, Gary Gill. It was a total honour we were able to have such quality time with him, picking his brain and hearing all about his career and how he got to be where he is. His kindness and passion was infectious and truly inspiring. A day we will always remember for sure."
PROJECT Team Leader: Christel Barron-Hough
PROJECT Photography: Alex Barron-Hough
PROJECT Mentees:
• Sam Bickle, Arkive by Adam Red
• Annie Franklin, Prestige Hair
• Stevie Leah Loscombe. Blue Tit
• Bekki Delehedy, Dot Hair