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An evening with Jamie Stevens

Each year, the Fellowship for British Hairdressing names their Hairdresser of the Year. This hairdresser is nominated by other members of the organisation and is awarded to the individual who best represents the Fellowship’s ethos both within the industry and further afield.


Jamie Stevens took the title in 2018 and, as his year in the spotlight comes to a close, it was time to take a look back at his achievements in a celebratory evening at the L’Oreal Academy in London.


Jamie, who owns multiple salons and has won countless awards for his hairdressing skills in women’s, men’s and celebrity hairdressing, started the evening by sharing how the Fellowship has supported his career from day one.


A former F.A.M.E. Team member, Jamie  has grown up in the organisation – and even met his wife, Tash, through his involvement in the Fellowship.


“I wouldn’t be the hairdresser I am today without the Fellowship,” he told the sell-out audience.


Over the course of the evening, Jamie presented seven models – six women and a man – representing his diverse technical skills and abilities to work with any type of model. Revisiting some of his most acclaimed images and previous looks, Jamie also presented wigs, extensions, haircuts and a gent’s skin fade live on stage – in just seven minutes!


In his interview with Fellowship President Karine Jackson, Jamie covered his life and career, sharing his future plans. He admitted that opening two salons in the space of 12 months was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but still has more to come over the next four years.


Reflecting on the night, Jamie said: “It was such a great pleasure to do this night and a brilliant culmination to my year as Fellowship Hairdresser of the Year. It’s a title I’ve been thrilled to win and means so much coming from the Fellowship, an institution that really has helped shaped my career and life in many way. I’m passionate about promoting our industry and loved this platform to talk about education, inspiration and more.”

Each year, the Fellowship for British Hairdressing names their Hairdresser of the Year. This hairdresser is nominated by other members of the organisation and is awarded to the individual who best represents the Fellowship’s ethos both within the industry and further afield.


Jamie Stevens took the title in 2018 and, as his year in the spotlight comes to a close, it was time to take a look back at his achievements in a celebratory evening at the L’Oreal Academy in London.


Jamie, who owns multiple salons and has won countless awards for his hairdressing skills in women’s, men’s and celebrity hairdressing, started the evening by sharing how the Fellowship has supported his career from day one.


A former F.A.M.E. Team member, Jamie  has grown up in the organisation – and even met his wife, Tash, through his involvement in the Fellowship.


“I wouldn’t be the hairdresser I am today without the Fellowship,” he told the sell-out audience.


Over the course of the evening, Jamie presented seven models – six women and a man – representing his diverse technical skills and abilities to work with any type of model. Revisiting some of his most acclaimed images and previous looks, Jamie also presented wigs, extensions, haircuts and a gent’s skin fade live on stage – in just seven minutes!


In his interview with Fellowship President Karine Jackson, Jamie covered his life and career, sharing his future plans. He admitted that opening two salons in the space of 12 months was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but still has more to come over the next four years.


Reflecting on the night, Jamie said: “It was such a great pleasure to do this night and a brilliant culmination to my year as Fellowship Hairdresser of the Year. It’s a title I’ve been thrilled to win and means so much coming from the Fellowship, an institution that really has helped shaped my career and life in many way. I’m passionate about promoting our industry and loved this platform to talk about education, inspiration and more.”


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