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Clubstar Art Team

ClubStar Art Team 2021 – Spaces Available!

Earlier this year, the Fellowship for British Hairdressing made the decision to pause its Projects, in light of the coronavirus lockdown and its resulting impact on travel, events and the opportunities for monthly meetups and mentoring sessions.

All of the Projects will be resumed in 2021, with all team members given the chance to hold onto their place and pick it up again in 2021 if desired.

For the ClubStar Art Team, there is a slight change for the new year – with two extra spaces available as the team grows from eight members, to 10. This means there are now two places on the team up for grabs!

Two additional members will now be able to join the existing 2020 team, as well as Team Leader Karoliina Saunders, for a 12-month schedule of education, mentoring and opportunities.

The ClubStar Art Team is open to any hairdresser aged 16-25, who is a member of the Fellowship for British Hairdressing.

To apply, fill out the entry form on the Fellowship website and submit:

  • An image of your work (doesn’t need to be a professional image, just something that shows off your skills and creativity)
  • A CV detailing your main achievements to date
  • A brief outline of your ambitions and what you would bring to the Art Team if you were successful.

Additionally, applicants can post a short video on Instagram to explain more about why they’d like to be on the team – just tag your video application with #CSArtTeam2021.

The deadline for entry is 12pm on Thursday 30th July.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend an online live audition on Monday 17th August 2020. This will include creating a look on a model, and presenting to a small panel. Further details will be provided to the five finalists nearer the time.

Team Leader Karoliina Saunders says, “I’m a strong believer that having a mentor can really help and guide you in the right direction for your career. The ClubStar Art Team is brilliant for education and we give you opportunities that you wouldn’t necessarily get anywhere else. But it’s also about community – you have your teammates and we become like a family. We support each other and give each other ideas and we learn from each other. With ClubStar Art Team you can elevate your career and become a hairdresser that is successful, with a great career ahead of you.”

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