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F.A.M.E. Team 2019 Finalists Announced
Eight finalists have been confirmed for the F.A.M.E. Team 2019, following a day of auditions and interviews.
Judging on the day were an acclaimed lineup of experts, all of whom know the Fellowship and F.A.M.E. Team inside out:
Karine Jackson
Simon Shaw
Nick Irwin
Errol Douglas MBE
Andreas Stavrou
Bruno Marc
Rick Roberts
They were on hand throughout the day – along with Fellowship Vice Chancellor, Michelle Griffin who coordinated the event – to watch the semi-finalists at work, judging their character and personality as much as their technical and presentation skills.
The 15 finalists were put through their paces during a grueling day at the Wella World Studio in London that covered technical ability, teamwork and presentation skills.
Starting with an introduction to each other and the judges, they were then challenged to create a model that summed up their signature style. As they presented their finished look, finalists were grilled by the panel on their inspirations, aims and aspirations.
Finally, they split into teams and – working together as a group for the first time – had to create their own collection in a test of how well they rise to a challenge and are able to work alongside others.
The evening presentation, hosted by compère Ashleigh Hodges, saw finalists present their models to a packed audience of supporters, peers and Fellowship members. Each finalist showcased their work as part of their group, as well as explaining more about the ideas and inspirations behind their looks.
Between presentations, there was a chance for the current F.A.M.E. Team and their mentor, Nick Irwin, to explain more about their year so far. They showcased their latest collection, shot by Rankin, as well answering Ashleigh’s questions about the incredible experiences they’ve enjoyed together. Nick also revealed the team’s next life-changing experience; they will be assisting Eugene Souleiman during Paris Fashion Week.
After the final presentations, the finalists for the 2019 team were announced by Karine and Ashleigh – and will now go on to compete at Salon International for a place on the team. The final four will then be announced at the Fellowship Luncheon in December.
And the finalists are…
Brandon Messinger, Zullo & Holland
Alastair Jubbs, VAE Hair
Ashley Cockrell, Percy & Reed
Casey Coleman, Chair Salons
Lora Griffin, Simon Webster Hair
Kelsey Franklin, Sarai Hair and Beauty
Poonam Mehmi, RUSH Westbourne Grove
Tania Faenza, Toni & Guy Canary Wharf