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The Fellowship Project Teams are getting ready for the return of LIVE EDUCATION and they just can’t wait.
PROJECT: X are starting off with a team day at Hare & Bone, the HQ of team leader Sam Burnett on Monday 10 May, the theme for the day is 'all things Wigs'. Then the 2021 F.A.M.E. Team, with project leaders Hooker & Young, kick-start their LIVE EDUCATION on Wednesday 12 May, with a photoshoot at IRIS Studios in London.
And that’s not all! Each of the teams have appointed a ‘TEAM REPORTER’ who will feedback on the project team day with quotes from the teams and photos of what happened on the day!
Here is the line up of the team reporters:
F.A.M.E. Team: Brooke Evans
PROJECT: X: Kay Binnersley
PROJECT: Colour: Darrel Starkey
PROJECT: Men Tammy Reynolds
Clubstar Art Team: Sam Arnold
Thank you and good luck everyone!